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Schumacher U6874 Honeycomb 1/10 Fr-4WD-Yell+Cragg Insert-Pre-Glued

Schumacher U6874 Honeycomb 1/10 Fr-4WD-Yell+Cragg Insert-Pre-Glued

Our Price:


8 in stock


Designed especially for low grip surfaces, in particular the hugely popular Schumacher Worksop series in the UK where they race on an indoor sports hall surface. The tyre offers great traction straight out of the packet, hard wearing for fair competition from run to run, throughout the race meeting duration. Extensive testing has been completed by high level drivers and regular runners to provide great consistent performance and car balance on low grip surfaces.

Pre-glued versions, these will come on white wheels with the Cragg insert, which is slightly softer than Schumacher mediums but slightly larger. Therefore they fill the tyre more, giving different support.

Additional information

Weight 201 g








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