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Optifuel OP1006 Optimix RTR 20% Nitro Car Fuel 5 Litre

Optifuel OP1006 Optimix RTR 20% Nitro Car Fuel 5 Litre.  COLLECTION ONLY

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Optifuel OP1006 Optimix RTR 20% Nitro Car Fuel 5 Litre



20% Niromethane blend for 0.15 to 0.18 engine sport use to give maximum power or for 0.21 to 0.32 engines when low running costs are more important than more expensive high nitro content fuels.

RTR Power
As an RC Car hobbyist you want to enjoy running your cars and trucks, not worry about engine settings.So you want a fuel that simply delivers: power, engine protection, easy starting, long engine life and ease of use – basically a reliable power source for your car.

Easy tuning
The Optimix RTR blend is formulated for easy tuning in all temperature ranges for engines of all sizes. Optimix-RTR was developed especially for todays RTR nitro engines. The specific blends use the same high quality synthetic oils as our Optimix-Race blends. Optimix RTR makes starting and tuning your engine easy because its specific blend is more tolerant of incorrect settings and of temperature and humidity changes. The consistent burning provides a steady smoke trail allowing you to easily see the effects of your engine tuning.

Protect  your engine
Optimix RTR burns cleanly, leaving no harmful residues that increase wear and
decrease engine performance and lifespan. The oil in the fuel provides protection from corrosion to further extend your engines life.


  • Optimised oil content for RTR running
  • Wider tuning band more tolerant to needle mixture
  • Optimum performance
  • Smoother transition low to high power
  • Easy starting
  • Superior Fuel Economy
  • 5L bottle contains 32% more than US gallon bottle
  • Quality Synthetic Klotz oils giving improved lubrication, lower friction, anti scuff protection, rust inhibitor, more efficient burning and reduced running temperature
  • Developed in conjunction with HPI & Hot Bodies R&D department

Additional information

Weight 99999 g




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